Wednesday 26 November 2008


Silent Night - Tichá noc
Enjoy trandition coral in English and Slovak languages.

Tichá noc - Slovak words

Tichá noc, svätá noc.
Všetko spí, všetko sní.
Sám len svätý bdie
dôverný pár.
Stráži dieťatko nebeský dar.
Sladký Ježiško spí, sní.
Nebesky tíško spí, sní.


COMMUNICATION CHANNELS- verbal and non verbal messages said...

Dear Slovak friends, your performance is fabulous.
So you have also got musical talents - congratulations!
Well done.

COMMUNICATION CHANNELS- verbal and non verbal messages said...

Thank you for singing in Slovak and English for us.Very nice!

COMMUNICATION CHANNELS- verbal and non verbal messages said...

You are all welcome, our friends from Europe. We are looking forward to enjoy your ones.
Slovak team